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Live life Intentionally

I seek to live intimately with my own life and the world. I am compelled by a deep hunger of the soul driven by a desire to live life to the fullest. The willingness to live and follow our desires takes courage but knowing our time on this earth is brief, I long for a depth of intimacy with myself, with another and with each fleeting moment of my life.

I want to live life deeply, intimately, fully. Life lived intimately might not be easier but it is fuller, richer and more open to everything. Somehow, expanding my ability to be with it all allows me to give and receive more in each moment. And sometimes I am still afraid that it will be too much, that I will not have, or be connected to whatever it takes to be with it all, to bear the exquisite beauty and bone wrenching sorrow of being fully alive. But deeper wisdom tells me if we refuse to touch the places of sorrow, pain and confusion within ourselves and another we cannot cultivate the ability to be completely present in our moments of joy and ecstasy but if we are open to our sorrow as well as our joy we can expand our ability to hold the world and ourselves in our hearts. If we can be strong enough to be weak enough we are given a wound that never heals. It is a gift that to keeps the heart open.

The pain that surrounds the closed heart is the pain of living against our authentic selves, the pain of denying life, which in turn hinders our ability to love and be loved by those around us. Instead of dying while you are alive, you can choose to allow yourself to remain open to life, to it all, the pain, the joy, and sorrow. The courage to go deeper is found by letting your desire grow larger than your fear. Strength is found in your longing to settle for nothing less.



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